The White-Collar Wives Survival Guide

Occupational crimes bring far reaching and long lasting consequences, not only to the perp, but to their family members. This guide covers each phase of this daunting process through dedicated chapters on investigation, prosecution, sentencing, incarceration, re-entry, and beyond. Topics include how to legally protect assets from civil seizure, mitigating tax issues on illicit funds, how, what, and when to tell children about this life changing event, co-parenting from prison, how to deal with the social stigma, and how to navigate the re-entry of a husband/ex-husband post incarceration.

Purchaser Reviews from Amazon

I only recently (10/31/20) found out about my husband’s white-collar crime and was shocked that the man I have been married to and loved and trusted for 41 years could have perpetrated such a crime. Every emotion she writes about is real, and her description of the path forward through our system of justice is frightening, but also provides excellent information about steps I need to take to protect myself.” - 5 Stars - T. Charest

“As someone in the early stages of finding out about my husband's financial crimes, I found this work to be incredibly helpful. Lisa addresses the impact on spouses and children in a direct, no-nonsense way. She describes the panic and helplessness that is inevitable, and assures the reader that she is not alone. While I've recently read numerous books penned by or written about families facing this kind of crisis, this survival guide is an important find for new victims, providing practical and compassionate advice. Lisa is also playing an important role in bringing us together in a forum that allows us to share our stories, our pain, our successes, and our methods of survival.”- 5 Stars - Patricia Rowland

“Lisa has written a book that any and all wives of white collar criminals should read. I wish I had read this sooner but I'm grateful for the knowledge I now have. Every single thing the author has said could happen, has. She was right about everything in my husband's case without even knowing details. 10 stars for this book. Bravo!!! Cheers to Lisa Lawler!! This book is needed so much more then anyone realizes. This book is the platform to rebuild my life. Without it I would be hopeless.” - 5 Stars - H.G.

“Good information and explanations of the processes women experience in this very trying situation. Great guide to maneuver the possible pitfalls along the way, too.” - 5 Stars - Robbie Karpiak

“Lisa provides excellent insight and knowledge! A must read for anyone finding themselves in this situation! Lisa has inspired and helped so many women to understand the unbelievable! A 5 star read! - Jackie Ferguson

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